Monday, February 8, 2010

Iran to enrich uranium to 20% as nuclear fears grow

Iran has announced immediate plans to step up its nuclear programme, which Western nations fear could be used to make a bomb.

Its nuclear chief said Iran would start enriching uranium to 20% from Tuesday, and that 10 new uranium enrichment plants would be built in the next year.

Ali Akbar Salehi said the enrichment would take place at Natanz, Iran's main uranium enrichment plant.

The move heightens fears Iran is moving closer to weapons-grade uranium.

3.5%, Iran's current level, is used in nuclear power stations
20% is used in research reactors
90% and above is used in nuclear weapons

The West has criticised Iran for stalling on a deal over its enrichment programme.

The latest development comes days before Iran celebrates the 31st anniversary of the Islamic revolution, which is expected to see pro- and anti-government demonstrations.

Witnesses say the situation in the Iranian capital Tehran is increasingly tense, with a series of checkpoints already set up across the city.

(taken from

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